FI NAFSIKA (Within Your Soul)
Tapestry 00018
In Surah al-A’raf (7:205) of the Holy Qur'an, Allah, Al-Jamil (The Most Beautiful and the Source of Beauty), in the previous ayat (verse) instructs us to be silent and listen to the Holy Qur’an when it is recited so that our heart and mind can be affected, thus receiving Allah’s Mercy.
In this ayat, we are instructed to remember Allah, the Most Glorious, in the mornings and the evenings, with love, humility and awe, innately and ceaselessly. The fear, or awe, that believers, who have awakened hearts, feel is one of acknowledging the Greatness of Allah, the Beauty and Power, with is a spiritual pleasure. Remembering Allah within your self or your soul (fi nafsika) is what Allah, the Most Merciful, wants us to do because that is spiritually helpful and satisfying. Remembering our Lord without pretense, showing off and shouting is how Allah instructs us to make salat (prayer) and recite dhikr (remembrance) and the Holy Qur’an. The fajr (daybreak) and maghrib (evening) salats are recited out loud, whereas the other salats are recited silently. Even so, Allah instructs us not to recite them too loudly. The proper remembrance of Allah, the Most Beautiful, helps us to be heedful, aware and attentive to, and not negligent in, our responsibilities towards our Lord.
Writing in Dark Blue; Design in Medium Delft Blue, Dark Blue, Very Dark Seagreen, Medium Lavender, Violet, Medium Yellow and Topaz; Border in Medium Yellow
4.8” X 10.5”